Blockboard Manufacturers
Blockboard is a type of engineered wood product commonly used in furniture and cabinetry. It is made by sandwiching a core of wooden blocks or strips between two outer layers of veneer or plywood. The core can be made from various types of wood, and the choice of core material can affect the characteristics and quality of the blockboard. Here are some common types of blockboard based on their core material:
Hardwood Blockboard:
This type of blockboard has a core made of hardwood blocks or strips, such as teak, oak, or mahogany. Hardwood blockboards are known for their strength and durability and are often used in high-quality furniture and cabinetry.
Softwood Blockboard:
The core of this blockboard is made of softwood blocks or strips, such as pine or cedar. Softwood blockboards are generally less expensive than hardwood blockboards and are suitable for various applications, including shelving and partitions.
Mixed Core Blockboard:
Mixed core blockboard is made by using a combination of hardwood and softwood blocks or strips. This type of blockboard offers a balance between strength and cost-effectiveness.

Fire-Retardant Blockboard:
Fire-retardant blockboard is designed to resist ignition and slow down the spread of flames. It is used in areas where fire safety is a concern, such as public buildings and commercial spaces.